Frequently asked questions: annual passes by direct debit

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Can I purchase a annual pass by direct debit (monthly payment)?
Yes, if you want to purchase a Plopsa Park Pass or Plopsa Premium Pass, you can choose to pay by monthly payment. This option is only available online. In this case, payment is automatic each month. Your annual pass is valid for at least 12 months, so you pay for at least 12 months. Your annual pass is active immediately after the first payment. At the start of a new term, the price can be indexed automatically.

The automatic payment of my annual pass by direct debit has failed. What should I do now?
If the automatic payment failed, your annual pass may be blocked. In this case, you can contact our customer service via this form. Our staff will then check what went wrong and provide you with a new payment link.

I have a new account number. How can I pass this on?
In this case, you can contact our customer service via this form. Our staff will then update your account number.

My direct debit annual pass has been blocked. How come?
Your direct debit annual pass may be blocked if the automatic payment has failed. In this case, you can contact our customer service via this form. Our staff will then be happy to check what went wrong.

How can I stop my direct debit annual pass?
You can cancel your direct debit annual pass by registered letter at the latest one month before the end of the annual pass period. If the annual pass is not cancelled in time as described above, both the mandate and the annual pass will be tacitly renewed for the same period and with the same cancellation option.